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Why is my Smart TV not responding to voice commands?

< 1 min read

  1. Check TV is connected to an active internet connection

    Check to see if your Smart TV is connected to an active internet connection. This is necessary to ensure that your voice commands are received accurately by the TV.

  2. Confirm correct language is enabled

    Confirm that the correct language is enabled in order to make sure your voice commands are registered and interpreted correctly.

  3. Ensure microphone setting is enabled

    Enable the microphone setting to ensure your Smart TV is able to detect and respond to your voice commands.

  4. Check microphone hardware

    Make sure the microphone audio cable is securely connected to the correct port on the TV. Also inspect the microphone hardware for any issues or damage.

  5. Adjust microphone settings

    Adjust microphone settings such as volume, microphone sensitivity, or audio source to ensure your Smart TV is able to detect your voice commands correctly.

  6. Run a diagnostic test

    Run a diagnostic test on your Smart TV to ensure all components and voice recognition features are working properly.

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