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Why is my phone’s screen not turning on after a drop?

< 1 min read

  1. Check phone battery

  2. Examine the battery to be sure it is properly connected and in good condition. If not, replace it with a new battery.

  3. Attempt a Hard Reset

  4. Hold down the Home button, Power button, and Volume Down button simultaneously. Hold until the phone turns off, then release and turn the phone back on.

  5. Attempt to Connect to a Computer

  6. If the phone is not responding, try connecting the phone using a USB cable to a computer. If necessary, download updated software or restart the computer.

  7. Troubleshoot Software Issues

  8. Run diagnostics on the display system and check if the settings for your phone’s display have been changed or corrupted. Be sure to update your software to the most recent version.

  9. Take the Phone to a Service Center

  10. If none of the above steps was successful, take the phone to a service center to troubleshoot and repair the issue.

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