1. Verify that your internet is connected to the router
Check that the power cable is plugged in and securely connected to a working outlet. Make sure the Ethernet cable is plugged in and securely fitted to the router and computer.
2. Reset the router
If all connections are securely in place, reset the router. To do this, unplug the router, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in. Allow a minute or two for the router to fully turn on.
3. Check the modem
If resetting the router hasn’t resolved the issue, check the modem. Unplug the modem, wait 30 seconds, plug it back in, and allow it to fully start up. This should take about a minute or two.
4. Double check your cables
Ensure that the power cable of your router is securely connected to a wall outlet/power bar. Additionally, double check that the Ethernet cable is plugged into the correct ports of both the modem and router.5. Check your DNS settings
Check the DNS settings by going into the network and sharing center of your computer. If the settings are incorrect, change them to an open public DNS.
6. Enable your wireless adapter
Make sure the wireless adapter of your computer is enabled. You can do this by going into the device manager of your computer to ensure that the wireless adapter is not disabled.7. Restart your computer
Finally, restart your computer and check for internet connection.