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Why is my internet connection so slow?

< 1 min read

1. Check your device’s connection type

–Manually switch from Wi-Fi to a wired connection and vice versa.

2. Establish whether the issue is with your device or your network

–Check whether devices connected to the same network experience the same issue.

3. Check how many devices are currently connected to the network

–A lot of devices connected might slow down the connection.

4.Check your device’s RAM and network resources

–Consider closing or restarting the computer if you have less resources available.

5. Check for obvious sources of slow network connections

–Check whether other users are downloading, streaming, or playing online games.

6.Update your firmware and drivers

–This will improve your connection’s stability.

7.Check your modem and router settings

–Reset your modem and router settings or switch to a different modem and router.

8. Reset your network

–If all of the above steps don’t solve your issue, consider resetting your network.

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