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Why is my document not showing a table of contents after inserting one?

< 1 min read

Why is my document not showing a table of contents after inserting one?

  1. Check if you have selected Show levels from the Outline Levels list.
  2. Select Entire document from the Table of Contents Options menu .
  3. Check if the outline levels are set correctly for the headings you have used.
  4. Make sure that you have set up the document styles correctly.
  5. Include extra text styles which have outline levels applied to them.
  6. Check the multi-level list settings.

What should I do?

  1. Check the document settings.
  2. Set the outline levels correctly.
  3. Set up the document styles properly.
  4. Include extra text styles with outline levels applied.
  5. Check the multi-level list settings.
  6. Consider creating a manual table of contents if still not working.

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