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Why is my browser constantly crashing?

< 1 min read

Here is a list of some common causes for browser crashes and what to do about them:

  1. Outdated browser: Browsers can become unstable over time, and it is important to ensure you are using the latest version.

    To do this, please open your browser's settings page and check for available updates.

  2. Too many tabs and windows open: Opening too many tabs and windows can overload your browser and cause it to crash.

    It is important to only open what you need for the task at hand, and to occasionally close any windows or tabs that you are not currently using.

  3. Malicious or outdated extensions: Keep your extensions and plugins up-to-date, and make sure they haven’t been tampered with by malicious actors.

    To do this, please access the extensions/plugins page on your browser’s settings page — only activate the extensions/plugins necessary.

  4. Low memory on your device: Low memory can cause your browser to crash, as it cannot handle the number of applications and processes your device is attempting to run.

    Close any unused applications and processes to free up memory, and to prevent further browser crashes.

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