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What can cause random internet drops and how do I fix them?

< 1 min read

1. Check that your router is securely connected to your modem and that all cables are undamaged and snugly in place.

2. Ensure that your router is running the latest firmware by checking the router manufacturer’s website for available updates.

3. Check that your Wi-Fi password is correct and has not been changed.

4. Ensure no other wireless networks are interfering with your Wi-Fi signal.

5. Reset your router/modem and then reconnect your devices to the Wi-Fi network.

6. Ensure that your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is providing sufficient bandwidth and the connection is stable.

7. Change the Wi-Fi channel on your router. Consider using one of the by two or three channels that don’t overlap with each other.

8. Contact your ISP for help if none of the above steps work

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