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How do I troubleshoot a slow internet connection in a shared office space?

< 1 min read

If you’re having trouble with slow internet in a shared office space, there are a few steps and actions you can take to troubleshoot and see if it’s possible to get faster speeds:

  1. Restart your router. This will kick-start the connection and force it to reconnect, which may increase speeds.
  2. Check your configured DNS server. Switching to a more reliable DNS server may help with your connection.
  3. Look at available network channels. If you’re sharing a channel with other networks, that could be slowing your connection.
  4. Check your connection speed. Perform a speed test to understand what speeds you’re getting and if they’re in line with your internet plan.
  5. Try using a different device. This can help you identify if it’s a compatibility issue with your device itself.
  6. Check your connected end devices. When having trouble with slow internet, it’s important to check all the devices connected to the network.
  7. Compare your connection with that of others. If you’re getting much slower speeds than others, contact your ISP for assistance.

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