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How do I set up and use fingerprint or Face ID on my device?

< 1 min read

  1. Set up Fingerprint or FaceID Security

    To set up Touch ID or Face ID, open Settings, select Touch ID & Passcode (or Face ID & Passcode) and follow the on-screen instructions.

  2. Set a Passcode

    For added security, you can also set a passcode on your device. A passcode is a personal identification number that must be entered in order to gain access to your phone.

  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication

    Enabling two-factor authentication can help protect your account and your data from being accessed by unauthorized users. This can be done by going to your account settings and clicking the Two-Factor Authentication option.

  4. Change Your Security Settings

    You should also review and change your device's security settings. This includes adjusting the auto-lock setting, which determines how long your phone is idle before it locks.

  5. Install Security Software

    Adding additional security software to your device can also help protect your data. Look for applications that offer secure backup and VPN protection.

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