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How do I set up a separate signature for each email account I have?

< 1 min read

To set up a separate signature for each email account, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the email account you’d like to set up a signature for.
  2. Select the option for Settings or Preferences.
  3. Look for the Signatures or Signature Manager option. If this option isn’t present in the Settings/Preferences window, please check whether there is a sub-menu this option is under.
  4. Create your signature in the text box provided. If you’d like to add text formatting, such as images, bold, italic, or color, the signature manager should have those options available.
  5. Once you’re done creating your signature, you’ll need to save it. Usually there will be a Save option located at the bottom of the window. Click on it to save the signature for future use.
  6. Repeat the steps above for any other email accounts you may have.

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