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How do I safely use public USB charging ports and avoid data theft?

< 1 min read

How do I safely use public USB charging ports and avoid data theft?

  1. Do not plug a USB drive into public USB charging port.
  2. Using a portable charger or battery pack may provide better security since it doesn’t involve a direct wired connection.
  3. Always unplug a device from a public USB charging port once it is fully charged.
  4. Keep an eye on a device while it is being charged with a public USB charging port.
  5. Avoid using local web browsers or responding to web browsers’ prompts when using a public USB charging ports.
  6. Be sure to update device OS frequently; often updates include security patches to prevent malicious intent.
  7. Enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security.
  8. Only use reputable third-party applications, especially when using them on a public USB charging port.

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