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How do I protect my device from physical theft?

< 1 min read

Here are some steps you can take to help protect your device from physical theft:

  1. Save your device by using a lock
    You can use a physical device lock that attaches to the device and requires a numerical or alphanumerical code to open it. This adds an extra layer of protection and prevents physical theft.

  2. Keep your device out of sight
    Don’t leave your device in plain view when you are not using it; ensure it is stored away securely and out of sight.

  3. Enable device security features
    If your device has security features like passcodes, facial recognition, or fingerprint scanning, take advantage of them and use them.

  4. Secure your device when transporting
    When carrying your device on the go, make sure to secure it when you’re travelling. It is advisable to keep it on your body while in public places. Use a secure carry-on bag or laptop sleeve with a combination lock to secure it more.

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