1. Be cautious when giving out personal information. Before sharing, think twice if it is necessary and whomyou are disclosing it to.
2. Avoid posting personal information such as phone numbers, social security numbers or dates of birth on social media sites.
3. Research as much as possible about privacy protection when using online services such as websites, blogs, email, games, devices, digital storage space, or any other web application.
4. Use privacy settings. Ensure that only the right people can access your posts and information.
5. Use strong passwords that contain a combination of words, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts for improved security.
6. Be mindful of phishing scams. Never click on links sent via email or social media from unknown sources.
7. Be aware that public Wi-Fi may not be secure. Information transmitted over public networks may be viewable by someone else.
8. Understand sources of information. Be aware of the trustworthiness of websites used and know that resources obtained through the Internet may not be reliable.
9. Utilize encryption when sharing personal data. Encryption helps to ensure your personal information is kept private.
10. Monitor your bank accounts and credit report. Regularly check to make sure there is no suspicious activity or changes to your information.