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How can I protect my network from phishing attacks?

< 1 min read

  1. Keep Your Devices Up to Date
    Ensure you are always running the most recent software and patches for your devices to mitigate potential security risks.
  2. Keep Unnecessary Permissions to a Minimum
    Be wary when granting access permissions to your device or network from external entities. Keep all permissions to a minimum necessary.
  3. Educate Employees on Best Practices
    Make sure your employees know your network's security policies and understand how to handle and identify malicious messages or communications.
  4. Educate Employees on Identifying Phishing Attempts
    Train your staff to be able to identify when they may be the target of a phishing attack, so they can use caution before giving away personal or corporate information.
  5. Protect Credentials
    Use strong passwords and 2-factor authentication to protect credentials from being leaked or compromised.
  6. Use Firewalls & Antivirus Software
    Configure your firewalls and antivirus software to protect against malicious malware and other phishing attacks.
  7. Monitor Network Activity
    Regularly monitor network activities to detect potential malicious or suspicious activity.

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