To help prevent your email account from being used for spam or phishing attacks, here are several steps you can take:
Use a strong password – choose a complex password that includes a combination of alphanumeric characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters. Consider using a password manager to securely store your passwords.
Secure your email account – enable two-step authentication and use anti-virus software to help protect your email account from malware and viruses. Turn on auto-updates for your security programs so that they remain up to date.
Be proactive about identifying phishing attacks – look out for suspicious emails and never click links or links and attachments sent from an unknown source. Delete any emails that ask you to verify account information or links to websites you don't recognize.
Learn about the different types of scams and phishing attempts – read up on the latest online threats, phishing attempts, and scams to learn more about how to identify and defend against them.