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How can I educate my children about online safety and protect them from cyberbullying?

< 1 min read

Here is a list of ways you can keep your children safe online and protect them from cyberbullying:

  1. Monitor their online conversations and activities: Encourage open communication with your children about their digital lives, and keep up with what they’re doing and who they’re interacting with online. This also includes joining any social media sites that they use.
  2. Ensure they understand privacy settings: Explain the importance of using secure passwords, and adjusting their social media privacy settings.
  3. Block bullies or hostile content: Show them how to block any unwanted messages or online content.
  4. Lead by example: Practice positive online behaviors so your children can learn from you.
  5. Teach responsible and respectful behavior online: Explain why it is important not to post, comment, or send any hurtful messages, even as a joke.
  6. Talk about online citizenship: Remind them that what they do online leaves a digital footprint and make sure they understand the impact of their actions online.

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