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Why is my internet connection not working after upgrading my operating system?

< 1 min read

  1. Check the cables
    Inspect the Ethernet cable connecting the router to the modem and the Ethernet cable connecting the computer to the router to make sure they are connected properly.
  2. Check your IP address
    Open Network and Sharing Center from the Control Panel window and click on the Local Area Network. Click on Details to view the IP address and to check if you have a valid address.
  3. Update network drivers
    Install the latest network driver from the device manufacturer’s website to ensure the compatibility and stability of the current operating system.
  4. Configure the network
    If necessary, configure the firewall and/or the proxy settings in the network connection window. Disable any third-party security software temporarily for testing.
  5. Check your DNS server
    Check the DNS server in the network settings to make sure that it is working properly and is configured to provide valid information. Flush the DNS cache.
  6. Check the modem
    Restart the modem and the router to make sure that they are both functioning properly and that there are no communication issues between them.

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