1.Check your Spam Filter Settings:
It is possible that your spam filter is not configured to correctly identify and filter out spam. Check your spam filter settings and adjust them, if necessary.
2.Identify Spam Sources:
Determine the source of the spam you are receiving. Monitor which email domain the spam is coming from and block unwanted emails from the same source.
3.Inspect Emails for Security Risks:
Manually inspect emails in your inbox for any links to websites with suspicious content. Do not open files or run any programs sent from unknown senders.
4.Unsubscibe from Spam Lists:
Unsubscribe from spam lists whenever you can to prevent emails from being sent to you. Pay attention to the details of the emails and look out for unsubscribe details in the footer.
5.Check your Email Security:
Ensure your email is secure by verifying your password strength. Change your email password regularly in order to keep your inbox secure.
6.Report Spam:
Report any suspicious or malicious emails to your email provider in order to help protect your account and others.