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What should I do if my email is being flooded with spam or phishing emails?

< 1 min read

  1. Check out the sender: Phishing emails are usually from unknown senders, or from companies with which you do not have any contact. If you have any suspicion about a sender, research it further before proceeding.

  2. Check out the content: Most phishing emails contain some suspicious content, such as spelling and grammar errors, requests for personal information (like bank account details and passwords), and links to a website with a suspicious URL.

  3. Check out the photos and attachments: Don't click on any pictures or attachments from a suspicious email. Doing so may cause your computer to download malicious software.

  4. Do not click on any links: Don't click on any links in a phishing email, as a malicious website may be linked. Also be wary of any shortened URLs as they may redirect you to a malicious website.

  5. Report it: If you are sure that an email in your inbox is a phishing attack, report it to the concerned authorities.

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