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How can I protect my personal data when using public computers?

< 1 min read

Protecting your personal data when using public computers is an important consideration. Here are some tips to keep your data safe:

  1. Physically protect the device: If possible, use a privacy guard to limit physical viewing of the screen.
  2. Delete browser history: Clear your browser history and cookies every time you log out.
  3. Avoid sending sensitive information over public networks: If you have to send sensitive information, try and use an encrypted/VPN connection.
  4. Install antivirus protection: Install anti-virus protection before you start Work. This will help identify any malware, and flag malicious connections.
  5. Disable shared drives: Disable network and shared drives to prevent data from moving onto the public network automatically.
  6. Never leave the computer unattended: If you have to step away, always log out and lock the device, or take your device with you.

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