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Why is OneDrive slowing down my computer?

< 1 min read

It is important to understand the impact that OneDrive can have on your computer. Follow these steps to better understand why OneDrive may be slowing down your computer:

  1. Update Your Operating System and OneDrive
    Be sure all updates are installed so that you have all of the latest security updates, bug fixes, and performance enhancements.
  2. Check System Memory
    Make sure that the amount of physical memory installed has not been exceeded. A system with too little RAM may cause your computer to slow down.
  3. Monitor Your Network Connection
    If your connection is slow or unreliable, it may cause OneDrive to run more slowly.
  4. Check for Other Applications
    See if there are other applications or services that are running in the background which take up too many resources to allow for OneDrive to run at optimal speed.
  5. Disable OneDrive
    If all else fails, you may need to disable OneDrive in order to free up memory and processing resources.

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